Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How to cope with..... Life!

Some people try to avoid this subject, but I think that this is the perfect thing to talk about since lots of people now are hitting some pretty rough times! All I really have to say is, The sun will come out tomorrow! No, I am just playing! The real advice is just to know that no matter where you are in life, there will always be a better day. And no matter how alone you feel, there is always some one out there for you. It does not matter if you are living on the street, cuz wheather its your mom,dad,brother,sister or even me, we are always there. In fact, I mean that so much, that I will give you my email adress so you can toal to me at any time. There, that should do it! If you need any private advice that will not get posted up on the internet, or if you just want to say hi, email me and I will email back as soon as I see what you wrote! So keep your chin up and know that just because you might be 100,000,000 miles away, does not mean that I will not give you the comfort and advice that you need. Keep it Kewl peeps! Peace out!!!

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