Friday, October 10, 2008

What is exactly up with guys?

Here is exactly whats up with guys. Now all my life I have been the best of friends with guys. And I can understand them like the back of my hand. Guys are really easy to please, most of the time. So you should always be your self around a guy no matter what. And if you happen to like a guy but he does not like you back. Do not freak out! I repeat, Do not freak out! It may seem like the end of the world, and it is going to sting for a little while, but that is perfectly normal. The key is to bounce back and not let yourself get bummed out about a guy! In fact I am going through a bit of a boy drama my self.

How to tell he likes you is the main questions that I get, but there really is no exact answer. You see, guys are like animals. Monkeys if you want to be percise. Every one of those monkeys has a differant habbit that they performe when they are around the hot and spicey female cheetah, us! So in case you were wondering on the exact answer, just whatch how he acts around you and compare it to other girls when you are not around. Or at least when he thinks you are not around.
How to tell a guy you like him. Now I know that this is just me but what I like to do is just walk up to the guy and look him straight in the eye and say that I like him. If he says he does not feel the same way I say I understand and that if we can still be friends. I am not crushed or anything. Infact I am pretty come with it no matter what. But I know what you are thinking. That it is easier said then done. So that is my post today and I hoped you enjoyed it. If you need advice just leave me a letter in the comments place and right after I read it I will delete it so no one will see it. Peace out and like my best friend amber says, ttyl chou!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing Is!!